Thursday 12 March 2015

It's a small price to pay...

“I want excellent service and results, and want to pay the most”…that’s something we won’t hear. You really want excellent service and results, and pay less, or a reasonable amount at least. When it comes to surgery however, cosmetic or non-elective, price should not be the underlying factor. While it’s great to have something at the lowest price, would you put your body and well-being in the hands of just anyone?

Price should not be the deciding factor for cosmetic surgery or any surgery for that matter, as procedures can vary depending on many factors. A typical quote for cosmetic surgery includes many factors like amount of work involved, medications, anaesthesia, lab tests, surgical garments, facility fees, nurse fees and much more. So how can you obtain quality surgery at reasonable prices, and know exactly what you’re getting?

With the increase in number of Australians going overseas for surgery, most people assume price is the main motivation. While price is definitely a very lucrative attraction to seeking surgery in other countries, it is still important to make sure you’re not forgoing quality for the lowest price.

Our first tip is research! Do your research. Know what the average prices are for the specific procedure/s you are having done. While a bargain or discount, deal of the month, free offer, might sound appealing, it is usually because there is an offset in quality. With all the factors going into a procedure, you can do the math and realise there are factors that would have to be lagging in order to provide that lower price or deal.

When choosing a surgeon and hospital, look at success rates for the specific surgery you are looking to have done. Look at the medical system of the country, the quality of facilities, the government support the hospitals receive, and the way the surgeon and hospital deal with past patients.

There are risks with any medical procedure anywhere in the world, but looking at this analogy and going where the price is the lowest is not the best course of action – you may end up paying more!

Contact MTM for a FREE Consultation and we can put you in touch with our surgeons and hospital staff. We can also organise Finance options to start your journey.

There is no price too large to put on your health and wellbeing!


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