Sunday 29 March 2015

Does cosmetic surgery change who you are?

The decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is a very serious one. It is very important to recognise why you are having surgery, and what you expect the surgery to do for you. Although on the surface the decision to have cosmetic surgery is a physical change, the biggest changes experienced are mental and emotional.

Give yourself an assessment as to why you want cosmetic surgery. It is important you recognise why you are making this decision, and are prepared for the journey of change ahead. Cosmetic surgery does create changes to your self-esteem as well as physical changes. It is important to realise that seeking cosmetic change for someone else’s perception of you is not always ideal, and generally leads to disappointment.

General research suggests that when you have major changes made as a result of cosmetic surgery, there are changes in the way you act and your personality. One thing that will definitely change is your self-esteem and boost in self-confidence. It would be accurate to say that when you improve, change or enhance a part of your body that you have been self-conscious about, you feel better about yourself and in turn do more to maintain that confidence and change, hence improving the quality of your life in some instances.

It is important to remember however, that each individual responds to surgery differently, and although many people undergo cosmetic surgery to improve their self-esteem, this isn’t always the case. Therefore, it is important to recognise all the reasons you are making the change for, and be prepared for the outcomes.

Cosmetic surgery is about physical improvement, not perfection. It won’t change your life or solve personal problems. The bottom line is, that despite the fact that cosmetic surgery can offer many positive rewards, it will not take away problems or change relationships. You are ultimately the same person before and after, mostly with a positive self-esteem and more confidence after! MTM have a psychologist who will be with you throughout your journey to help you mentally and emotionally.
Contact MTM on 1300 882 672 to schedule a consultation, and ask us any questions you may have!



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