Sunday 10 May 2015

Downplaying Plastic Surgery Overseas

It is very alarming that in 2015, there are a large number of people, especially younger women, who still don’t understand the seriousness of surgery. Cosmetic surgery is generally a surgical procedure, which requires preparation, care and following strict instructions post-surgery for the best recovery and results.

It is highly doubtful that you would be lying on Bondi beach after a Tummy Tuck or Rhinoplasty, yet many people find it acceptable to buy into ‘cocktails on a beach’ in another country after a serious procedure.

It is very important to remember that cosmetic surgery is still SURGERY, which means there is a recovery process and time which is essential to your health and results. It is also very important to realise and recognise that a company who is facilitating your surgery overseas has the duty of care to ensure you are well aware of the recovery process and emphasise the importance of this.

The idea of travelling overseas, waking up with a new body/face, lying in the sun on a beautiful beach, sipping cocktails and shopping till you drop sure does sound enticing, but how many people would do that in Australia? Would you go shopping after being under the knife? Most probably NO!

It is important to research, educate yourself, and make sure your medical travel provider is on the same page as you. Surgery, no matter how major or minor, or which country it is in, is surgery at the end of the day. There is a recovery process and it is essential to rest and make sure you follow instructions to avoid any complications and get the best results.

Discuss your individual needs with MTM, we are here to help!

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