Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome to MTM!

Message from the Managing Director

Welcome to the first edition of Medical Travel Management’s new blog. Each week we plan to give you a chance to chat with likeminded people, about the topics that you feel are important in the rapidly growing cosmetic surgery industry.
Cosmetic surgery is no longer for the rich and famous. In fact it is becoming part of everyday life with people of all ages now looking to establish a process to stay fitter, stay younger and most importantly feel better. What was once a visit to the spa, for a quick eye brow wax, is now replaced with laser hair removal surgery. Looking for the right padded bra or even those jeans to hold in that muffin top has been replaced with breast implants and liposuction. In fact our whole race is striving to feel better and look better. Why ? …Because it’s now very affordable.
This week I’m focusing on tummies. Are sit-ups just not giving you the taut tummy you desire? If you've got a little too much flab or excess skin in your abdomen that won't diminish with diet or exercise, you may want to consider an abdominoplasty, popularly referred to as a "tummy tuck."

This procedure flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin, and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. However, this is a major surgery. So if you're considering it, take the time to educate yourself, thoroughly analyse your own situation and do not rush to make the final decision. A tummy tuck should be the last resort for people who have exhausted all other measures, and the procedure should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

Who Are the Best Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?  A tummy tuck is suitable for both men and women who are in good overall general health. It should not be confused with a liposuction (the cosmetic surgery used to remove fat deposits), although your surgeon may elect to perform liposuction as part of a tummy tuck.
Women who have muscles and skin stretched by multiple pregnancies may find the procedure useful to tighten those muscles and reduce that skin. A tummy tuck is also an alternative for men or women who were obese at one point in their lives and still have excessive fat deposits or loose skin in the abdominal area.

All in all there is a lot to consider with every type of surgery and at MTM we are here to not just answer the questions, but to prompt them too. After all you cannot think of everything yourself, so we want to be able to stimulate the conversation topics. Be sure to drop by next week when we will be covering the key to those perfect breasts you’ve always wanted.

Bye for now…

Vanessa Johnson
Managing Director, MTM

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