Tuesday 23 September 2014

I want Breast Implants...Now what....

So you've decided to have Breast Implants...booked your surgeon, MTM has organised flights, accommodation and it's almost time for your surgery. At this point a lot of women are confused about the many aspects of implants - what size, what shape, material, incision points, recovery time...
Here is a quick guide to the aspects of selecting the implant that suits you and gives you the new look and confidence YOU are after.
You will definitely have the opportunity to feel different implants and try sizes during your consultation, where the surgeon will also make recommendations and answer any questions!

Sunday 14 September 2014

Face Lift - Rhytidectomy!

Welcome back to the MTM Blog! Before I talk to you about our topic for today, I would like to invite all our wonderful readers in Sydney to jump on our Facebook page and find out the details about our FREE Information Evening on the 14th of October! It is an evening to give you the information you need to embrace this life-changing journey. We look forward to seeing you there!

This week I will be talking a bit about Face Lifts (also known as Rhytidectomy). A facelift is one of the world’s most desired cosmetic procedures. Inevitable factors such as ageing can sometimes leave our skin less elastic/taut, crow’s feet become visible, forehead lines start to fold, skin starts sagging and many of us look and feel much older than we are! Fortunately, a facelift is able to dramatically smooth facial lines, rejuvenate your skin, give you confidence and allow you to embrace your youth again!

A facelift can be conducted on its own, however it is usually paired with surgeries such as Blepharoplasty and a Brow-lift surgery. The procedure typically involves an incision beginning around the hairline from the temple, which continues around the earlobe and ends at the bottom of the hairline. The surgeon may also make a small incision under the chin to tighten skin.

The skin is separated from muscle and fat, any excess fat is removed via liposuction. The surgeon then tightens the tissue under the skin, which lifts the cheeks, gives the jawline more definition and firms the neck. Finally, the skin is pulled over the tissue area, any excess skin is removed with a knife or laser, and the incision is closed with stitches, sutures or tissue glue.

A lot of people worry that their results will disappear over time. A face-lift’s rejuvenating effects can extend more than 10 years. As with any part of the body, time and other factors play a part in ageing and over time there will be small changes.

It is important to understand that your facelift experience and results will never be exactly like anyone else’s, therefore it is important to go through all the details with your doctor and ask many questions. Post-surgery recovery requires 5-10 days of rest, and avoiding direct sunlight for a period of time. A facelift makes it possible to correct facial flaws and give you youth and rejuvenate your skin, giving you confidence and boosting your self-esteem! 

We hope this helps you. Please do ask any questions you may have, and organise your FREE Consultation Now!!

See you next week!

Vanessa Johnson
Managing Director, MTM

Monday 8 September 2014

Breast Augmentation – Snippet from our MD!

Welcome back to the Medical Travel Management Blog! This week we touch on the most common and popular type of cosmetic surgery – Breast Augmentation. Most women I speak with tell me they want to feel feminine and more confident, to be able to wear the swimwear and lingerie they see in shop fronts and feel beautiful in it; to restore their breasts post pregnancy, post weight loss or just with age; to have the shape they’ve always desired.

The decision to undergo Breast Augmentation is a very personal one, so MTM is here to help you achieve what you desire with expertise and attention to every detail you can imagine. Our consultants will take you through all the options available and make recommendations based on your individual needs and the results you desire.

The 4 major considerations when deciding on the best option for you are:

·         Size – we work with you to find a suitable size for you that will give you the most confidence and comfort

·         Implant Location – implants can be placed either in front of the muscle, which gives a more prominent and rounded look; or behind the muscle which gives you a more natural slope and look 

·         Incision Site – the three incision points for your implants are under the fold of your breast, around the nipple or through the armpit. Our surgeons and consultants will talk you through the pros and cons of each incision site regarding scarring and other aspects

·         Implant Type – there are various breast implants available, from silicone to saline, round to teardrop, high or low moderate profile...our surgeons and consultants will talk you through the options and help you decide on the most suitable

We understand how daunting it can be with all the information around, which is why our team of experts are here to help you take the next step when you decide to get the breasts and appearance you’ve always wanted! Check out our website and client testimonials, and drop us a line to find out what we can do for you!

My team and I look forward to answering your questions and making your surgery an enjoyable and seamless one, working together to achieve the body and life you desire!
See you next time!

Vanessa Johnson
Managing Director, MTM

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome to MTM!

Message from the Managing Director

Welcome to the first edition of Medical Travel Management’s new blog. Each week we plan to give you a chance to chat with likeminded people, about the topics that you feel are important in the rapidly growing cosmetic surgery industry.
Cosmetic surgery is no longer for the rich and famous. In fact it is becoming part of everyday life with people of all ages now looking to establish a process to stay fitter, stay younger and most importantly feel better. What was once a visit to the spa, for a quick eye brow wax, is now replaced with laser hair removal surgery. Looking for the right padded bra or even those jeans to hold in that muffin top has been replaced with breast implants and liposuction. In fact our whole race is striving to feel better and look better. Why ? …Because it’s now very affordable.
This week I’m focusing on tummies. Are sit-ups just not giving you the taut tummy you desire? If you've got a little too much flab or excess skin in your abdomen that won't diminish with diet or exercise, you may want to consider an abdominoplasty, popularly referred to as a "tummy tuck."

This procedure flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin, and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. However, this is a major surgery. So if you're considering it, take the time to educate yourself, thoroughly analyse your own situation and do not rush to make the final decision. A tummy tuck should be the last resort for people who have exhausted all other measures, and the procedure should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

Who Are the Best Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?  A tummy tuck is suitable for both men and women who are in good overall general health. It should not be confused with a liposuction (the cosmetic surgery used to remove fat deposits), although your surgeon may elect to perform liposuction as part of a tummy tuck.
Women who have muscles and skin stretched by multiple pregnancies may find the procedure useful to tighten those muscles and reduce that skin. A tummy tuck is also an alternative for men or women who were obese at one point in their lives and still have excessive fat deposits or loose skin in the abdominal area.

All in all there is a lot to consider with every type of surgery and at MTM we are here to not just answer the questions, but to prompt them too. After all you cannot think of everything yourself, so we want to be able to stimulate the conversation topics. Be sure to drop by next week when we will be covering the key to those perfect breasts you’ve always wanted.

Bye for now…

Vanessa Johnson
Managing Director, MTM