Monday 8 June 2015

Self-Esteem, Body Image, Confidence

Cosmetic surgery is often labelled as being superficial. However, if you look into the real and right reasons why people go through cosmetic surgery, you will realise it is so much more than superficial.

There is a reason why the cosmetic surgery industry exists – unfortunately only 1 in 5 are actually happy with their body and appearance. Contrary to our wishes, this is the sad reality, and can lead to lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn can cause greater problems in other aspects of their lives.

One of the biggest reasons women and men undergo cosmetic surgery is to improve their confidence and self-esteem. Body image is how an individual perceives their body, not a reflection of someone else’s perception. Cosmetic surgeons must have a serious understanding of an individual’s body-image, to make sure the client is not unrealistically hoping for cosmetic surgery to solve issues in other areas of their life.

It is also important for the Surgeon to manage realistic expectations, especially when patients are bringing in ideas and pictures of desired results. Knowing what you want is important, however may not always be suitable for your face or body. It is important for surgeons to recognise this and make recommendations to the client according to their individual needs and results.
MTM work closely with a psychologist who meets you in Malaysia and is there to assist you throughout the entire process. They will discuss your reasons for undergoing surgery and make sure your expectations and reasons are able to be met.
Contact MTM for a FREE consultation!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Cosmetic Surgeons VS Plastic Surgeons…are they the same?

Cosmetic Surgeons VS Plastic Surgeons…are they the same?

This is a very commonly asked question, and a lot of the time people are unable to tell the difference between a cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon, and don’t see the importance it plays.

There is a significant difference between the two, the most distinct one being the level of education.

Plastic surgeons are required to complete 12 years of training as a minimum, whereas a Cosmetic surgeon receives the very basic medical training and can come from any medical background, not specialising in reconstructive and plastic surgery.

In cosmetic surgery, patients are required to pay their surgeon directly for procedures, which means there is the possibility of being unaccredited and unregistered, and not really any way of knowing. Research is extremely important when choosing a surgeon for cosmetic procedures. Have as many consultations as you wish before making your decision, and know it’s never too late to opt out of a surgery, even on the day of surgery, if you don’t feel comfortable.

There is also a difference in price between plastic and cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgeons will generally be more expensive for the following reasons:

§  Surgery is performed in a fully accredited hospital, not an office or clinic

§  They are highly qualified and specialise in particular fields

The surgeons we work with are highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons, with decades of experience in their field.

Contact MTM on 1300 882 672 for a consultation!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Downplaying Plastic Surgery Overseas

It is very alarming that in 2015, there are a large number of people, especially younger women, who still don’t understand the seriousness of surgery. Cosmetic surgery is generally a surgical procedure, which requires preparation, care and following strict instructions post-surgery for the best recovery and results.

It is highly doubtful that you would be lying on Bondi beach after a Tummy Tuck or Rhinoplasty, yet many people find it acceptable to buy into ‘cocktails on a beach’ in another country after a serious procedure.

It is very important to remember that cosmetic surgery is still SURGERY, which means there is a recovery process and time which is essential to your health and results. It is also very important to realise and recognise that a company who is facilitating your surgery overseas has the duty of care to ensure you are well aware of the recovery process and emphasise the importance of this.

The idea of travelling overseas, waking up with a new body/face, lying in the sun on a beautiful beach, sipping cocktails and shopping till you drop sure does sound enticing, but how many people would do that in Australia? Would you go shopping after being under the knife? Most probably NO!

It is important to research, educate yourself, and make sure your medical travel provider is on the same page as you. Surgery, no matter how major or minor, or which country it is in, is surgery at the end of the day. There is a recovery process and it is essential to rest and make sure you follow instructions to avoid any complications and get the best results.

Discuss your individual needs with MTM, we are here to help!

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Grand Malaysia Sales SHOPPING TOUR is HERE!

Rising Stars Travel in conjunction with MTM are bringing you the Sale Trip of the year!
Kuala Lumpur is the 3rd Best Shopping Destination in the WORLD...
and every July they have the best sales! We have put together a Shopping Tour
to take advantage of these sales.

The tour is 4 days of FUN! [16th July to 20th July 2015].

A balance of all the best brands and bargains, the trip will include some of the biggest shopping centres in the World including ‘Pavilion’, “Berjaya Times Square’ and ‘Mid Valley Megamall’.

We have even organised a City Tour to take in the beautiful sights Kuala Lumpur has to offer, including the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, The King’s Palace and The National Museum.
Stay at the astounding Berjaya Hotel Times Square, and enjoy 4 days of shopping, relaxation, sight-seeing, food, culture and more shopping!
Get your girlfriends together, or perhaps take your Mum for a Mother’s Day treat, this trip is for everyone!

Email to receive a complete Information Pack!
We can't wait to SHOP!

Monday 27 April 2015

Choosing a surgeon??

Here's a quick guide to help you!

It is really the most crucial decision to your surgery - call MTM on 1300 882 672 and let us help you!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Malaysia has done it again!

The International Medical Travel Journal (IMTJ) Medical Travel Awards for 2015 were held last week, and we are ecstatic to announce Malaysia won 6 of the 13 awards for their impeccable quality of hospitals, experienced surgeons and care.
Some of the awards won include:
  • Medical Travel Destination of the Year
  • Best Quality Initiative of the Year - Imperial Dental Specialist Centre
  • International Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year - Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre
  • International Dental Clinic of the Year - Imperial Dental Specialist Centre
  • Highly commended for Customer Service - Prince Court Medical Centre
  • Highly commended for Travel Website - Imperial Dental Specialist Centre
“Malaysia has the ecosystem and infrastructure for end-to-end healthcare services,” says Sherene Azli, CEO of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council, a body set up in 2009 under the Health Ministry to develop and promote the country’s healthcare travel industry. 
The judges found what they were looking for in the Medical Travel Destination of the Year - Malaysia has all-round excellence, verified statistics of yearly growth for medial tourists, high levels of patient satisfaction and co-ordinated activities that delivered an increase in medical tourism.

MTM are so proud of bringing you the very best in quality healthcare and medical tourism. We look forward to helping you find what you are looking for and helping you achieve your goals and change your life!
Contact MTM on 1300 882 672 to organise your FREE consultation, and check out our Facebook Page for upcoming events and information.
MTM Team

Monday 13 April 2015

Finding it hard to lose weight?

Almost all of us have had fluctuations in our weight due to what we eat, our exercise levels, injuries, medical conditions, seasons, and many other reasons. There are also thousands of “Fad Diets” that promise to make you lose “5kgs in 1 week” and “magic pills” that “shred the weight off in days or hours”. Unfortunately, although sometimes these MIGHT work for a few days or weeks, most of the time the weight comes right back, with a bit extra…not to mention the long term damage some of these ‘diets’ cause to your metabolism and body.
There is nothing that works better than creating a lifestyle that allows you to maintain a healthy weight that you’re happy with internally and externally. It takes weeks and months to put on that 5, 10, 15 kgs, so it’s no surprise that it will most probably take time to lose the weight. A healthy weight loss is between 0.5 to 1 kg per week.
Here are some tips to help you shift your mindset and lose weight in a sustainable and healthy manner without starving yourself, giving in to “diets” and spending hundreds of dollars on shakes and meal replacements.

Eat a well-balanced diet

 A well-balanced diet involves protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates and the occasional treat. It is important to remember that the goal is to maintain a sustainable healthy lifestyle – so no need to cut out entire food groups and starve yourself. Eat a balanced diet of 3 meals and a few snacks throughout the day.


Even 30 minutes a day can help you maintain and lose weight. Weight training is an excellent way to lose weight and “tone” your body. The more muscle your body holds, the more fat you’re burning while resting. Cardio like running, walking and interval training are a great way to increase your heart rate and burn fat. It is also important to mix up your training every few weeks to keep your body guessing and not plateau your weight-loss efforts.

Eating Enough

Many people see weight-loss to be as simple as “eat less”. It is also important to note WHAT you are eating, how much you’re eating, and make sure you’re eating enough. Your body needs food to keep your metabolism running, and not eating enough puts you into a deficit, which means your metabolism will slow down to use the limited food it has, storing it as fat in most cases.

Sleep and Recovery

Allowing your body to rest and recover plays a big role in weight loss, not just physically but also mentally. It provides us with balance, rest and helps muscles recover after exercise.

Stress is a contributor in weight-gain and can lead to forming unhealthy habits. Everyone has their own way of unwinding and relaxing, so find what works for you! Meditation, yoga, long baths, a good book are some suggestions!
Winter is one of the best times to get active and in shape for summer! Start with 20-30 minutes a day and build up the intensity. It is also important to incorporate what you love into your lifestyle – go for a walk, a hike, a bike ride with the family, yoga, the gym, and even some fun classes. The key is to stay active and maintain a lifestyle you enjoy!