Monday 8 December 2014


Hello and Welcome to the MTM Blog once again!

Today I'll be speaking about an issue that effects 3 in 5 Australians...Obesity...

It's not so much the external consequences Obesity has, as much as the internal - Diabetes, Heart Disease, Psychological and Emotional Issues, and other major health problems that can seriously harm and reduce your life span.

Everyone is too busy, too tired, too hungry to prepare good nutritious meals, and the ease with which we can grab food from fast food chains makes it so easy for people to gain weight fast, without realising the repercussions of harming our bodies and those of our children and families. Along with the obvious physical consequences, there are many emotional and psychological issues many people with obesity face.

The first way to help this problem is education and prevention - establishing a healthy and balanced lifestyle which includes a healthy nutritious diet and exercise is key to making sure we can work together to help our families and children prevent the health problems associated with obesity.

The next step is losing weight, thus reducing obesity. There are so many programs available around the world which can help lose weight 'fast' and 'get fit for summer', however the most sustainable and healthiest way to treat and reduce the chances of serious health problems is again a change in lifestyle. It is important to incorporate healthy and balanced eating habits and exercise in our everyday lives to make sure we live long and healthy lives.

There are however some people who are beyond the ability to exercise and move around, and need serious help as they face problems like heart disease and even death. This is where there is a Medical solution available - Bariatric Surgery.

Bariatric Surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach by either cutting it out, placing a band around it or placing a balloon within the stomach to make a person eat less physically. The results of this treatment are almost always astounding, allowing people to kick start their weight loss drastically, and even save lives many times.

MTM understands how much of the issue of Obesity is a mental and emotional issue, more than anything, and we have psychologists and surgeons who are Internationally trained to help you make the right decisions and provide you with support to sustain your weight loss and save your life!

If you have tried losing weight and failed, or are at a point where it is crucial to lose weight to live, we are more than happy to provide you a free consultation to see if this is the right choice for you!

See you soon!
Vanessa Johnson
Managing Director, MTM