Sunday 19 October 2014

What has MTM been upto?

Hi again! I know we've been a bit quiet here the last couple of weeks, but we've been very busy at the Vitality Sydney show and at our Sydney Showcase!! Both events were a huge success, and we are very thankful for all our sponsors and guests who support us.

The Vitality show was held on the 10th to 12th of October at Hordern Pavilion, where we shared a stand with Malaysian Health Tourism Council (MHTC). If you're not already aware, MTM signed an MoU with MHTC a few months ago! (Check out the pictures on our Facebook page). We had a great response from everyone, and did what we love doing - educated many people and made new friends!

Our Showcase was held in our office on the 14th of October, and we had a huge turnout! We were very lucky to have Kavitha from MHTC, Jane from Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, Dr. Andrea Ooi from Nilai Clinic, Tony our Director, Vanessa our MD and Susana one of our lovely and very happy past patients present on the evening. Our guests enjoyed the presentations, and mostly the drinks and nibbles after. We were lucky enough to have amazing sponsors and gave away many amazing prizes too!

Now for the exciting stuff...after the huge turnout, we've decided to have regular information evenings every 6-7 weeks. Make sure you follow our Facebook page or check the blog for dates!

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events. Also, we are more than happy to sit down and have a FREE Consultation with you to see if MTM is a fit for your needs.

xx MTM Team